About the BMHGC

Welcome to the Blue Mountains Hang Gliding Club. Founded in March 1987, the Club is committed to providing safe and regular flying opportunities throughout the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands to the west of Sydney NSW for all of it’s members, from novice through advanced. Regular activities include monthly Club competition days, novice days, towing days and heaps of social flying. We also hold regular trips away to other well-known flying areas.

The BMHGC welcomes all HGFA pilots to come and fly with us at sites in the region. Safe flying is our top priority. With prior contact, an experienced club pilot will be available to introduce you to our sites and give a detailed site breifing. We cater for pilots of all abilities, and invite all pilots who are keen and enthusiastic to come and explore the excitement of inland flying. Feel free to contact the Club executives with any questions or queries that you may have.

Please send us an email to make contact. There is too much phone spam generated from putting phone numbers here unfortunately. A club member will contact you as soon as possible, especially if you send us your phone number in the email.

Club Contact: email